Aetna Settles TMS Class-Action Lawsuit

Psych-Appeal is pleased to announce an update on our TMS class-action lawsuit with Aetna and that we will soon be seeking final approval of a class settlement with the health insurer. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (“TMS”) is an FDA-approved treatment for major depressive disorder that has proven to be a lifesaving option for many patients who have failed to respond to pharmacotherapy.

As reported by Bloomberg, “Aetna Inc. will pay $6.2 million to be rid of a class action challenging its refusal to cover transcranial magnetic stimulation, a noninvasive procedure used to treat depression. The proposed deal would reimburse about 1,100 patients whose claims were denied without requiring them to submit to reprocessing by the insurer, the parties said in a Feb. 15 motion for court approval. This, coupled with Aetna’s 2016 decision to lift its blanket exclusion for the treatment, is a ‘tremendous victory’ for the patients….”

This lawsuit with Aetna is one of several brought forth by Psych-Appeal to ensure that TMS is covered by health insurance plans.

A list of class notices can be found here.

Related coverage:

Aetna Strikes $6.2M Deal to End Depression Treatment Suit, Law360, February 19, 2019 (NOTE: This link is available to Law360 subscribers. Access a PDF version of the article here.)

Aetna Settles Depression Coverage Class Suit for $6.2M, Bloomberg, February 19, 2019